
the client.
In collaboration with Hock Seng Lee (HSL), La Promenade Mall was set to hold the first half marathon in Kuching since 2019, with the aim to not only revive outdoors activities after the pandemic but also to promote their mixed development township, La Promenade.
Their aim is to spread awareness of the event and boost registrations, collaborating with SOL Digital to reach a wider community online through social media advertising.

the outcome.
With only 2 months to promote the event, we managed to receive 203 direct sign ups from our Facebook ads, attributing to around 20% of the total signups from the event.
Through Facebook advertising, La Promenade Run’s ads reached a total of more than 135k people and had over 55k post engagements. We were also able to drive more than 3.8k website traffic to their event registration page, assisting enormously on overall conversions on the bespoke landing page.

sign ups

people reached
website visits

the challenge.
As it was the first half marathon held in 2 years, HSL hoped that the turnout rate would be promising.
With a time crunch of only 2 months before the event day, preparations for the ad campaigns and ad creatives were churned out as fast as possible to start promotions at the soonest.
our approach.
Our aim was to get as much post engagement as possible for all the social media updates posted on their Facebook Page. Thus, we created split campaigns to boost video ads and normal engagement ads respectively.
On the other hand, we also employed A/B testing methods for all our ad creatives to determine the best ad delivery format. With these ads, our main priority is to lead users to the bespoke landing page for a seamless registration while the early bird fee was still available.

Created integrated Facebook ad campaigns to boost post engagements and drive traffic to a bespoke registration page

Employed A/B testing for all ad creatives to determine the best ad delivery format